Environmental Services

Together to make the world Better Healthier Safer

We are a specialized company in the field of Environmental Services

Eco Vision environmental services company is a company with multiple and unique specializations in the field of environmental and industrial projects.
We have the finest house integrated in engineering management in all fields of design, implementation, supervision of implementation and supervision of operation.
We have a list of partners in all environmental fields
We have an integrated team to demonstrate sustainable environmental solutions
We have a working team to extract all kinds of licenses and approvals in the environmental fields within a month and industrial within a week

We bring more than 30 years ' experience in 
In the field of environmental services, we strive to :

Provide security
Cooperation between individuals
Delivering the message of preserving the planet
لمعرفة أكثر عن الشركة يتم التواصل معنا

We have more than 30 years experience

EcoVision has a long history of achievements with partners with whom we are proud to cooperate to preserve the purity of nature and the beauty of the planet


30 سنة من الخبرة

Chairman's message

Prof.Tarek ElRouby

أننى أعتز و أفتخر بقيادتى لهذا الفريق الماهر من المحترفين والذين يمثلون قوام شركتنا Eco Vision وعلى مدار الثلاثين عاما الماضية والتى تمثل عمر شركتنا فقد تميزنا بدرجة عالية من الالتزام بمصالح عملائنا مع التركيز على الجودة لكل ما نفعل وبمفهوم شامل.

In return, this effort has been appreciated by our customers and the market in which we work by recognizing our position and supporting us until we reached where we are now .We are pursuing an ambitious growth plan based on a strong foundation of commitment to safety standards, our passion for excellence and quality, as well as our very distinguished relationship with those responsible for the projects we are engaged in.

Dr.Tarel El Rouby

Chairman of the board of directors

Guiding lines

First Aid

Potential Hazard

Emergency Response

Treatment and Dispose



We bring more than 30 years ' experience in Environmental Services 

We strive to :

Provide security
Cooperation between individuals
Delivering the message of preserving the planet
التكامل من حيث الخدمات المقدمة لجميع العملاء.
تطبيق معايير الأمان والسلامة والصحة المهنية من خلال أعمالنا .
تطبيق أهداف التنمية المستدامة من خلال أعمالنا والدراسات التي نقوم بها .
تطبيق القوانين والاشتراطات البيئية التي تؤدي الى الارتقاء بالصحة العامة .
تقييم أدائنا والتحسين المستمر للخدمات التي نقدمها .
ارضاء العميل هو هدف مشترك مع اهدافنا في الحفاظ على البيئة .
لمعرفة أكثر عن الشركة يتم التواصل معنا

Some of our clients


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